4th IFPH Annual Conference Program – Ravenna, Italy, 5-9 June 2017
IFPH-FIHP Ravenna 2017
PROGRAM – 04-06-2017 – Schedule of the #IFPH2017 Program is available for download at https://events.unibo.it/ifph2017/program
The program presented below is definitive.
Few minor changes will be introduced before printing the definitive version on May 23, 2017. The final program takes care also of the panels selected by the AIPH, the Italian Association for Public History born in 2016 as first national branch of the International Federation for Public History. The IFPH part of the whole program count 46 panels, the ones that were proposed as such answering to the call for paper (deadline was December 15, 2016) and the ones which were built from all the individual papers selected by the IFPH program committee.
The updated schedule of the Ravenna conference and information on how to register for the conference are available in the conference website at https://events.unibo.it/ifph2017
You can use yout own Paypal account with the email ifph2017 [at] unibo.it to pay the registration fee and information are available in the registration page.
IFPH-1 XXth century world wars through public history
Chair Chantal Kesteloot (CEGESOMA, Brussels)
- Nick Webber, (Birmingham City University, UK) Public History, Creativity and the Commemoration of World War I
- Chantal Kesteloot (CEGESOMA, Brussels): Representing World War I in Museums and exhibitions
- Anna Zalewska (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences) Material Warnings as the carriers of memory of the Great War and as the elements of the Roadside History Lessons
- Sebastiaan Vonk, (University of Groningen): Heading back to War again?: The Effects of Western Remembrance of World War II
IFPH-2 Public History in Parks , Landscapes and Battlefields
Chair Mark Tebeau, (Arizona State University)
- Mark Tebeau, (Arizona State University): Landscapes of Public History
- Slachta Krisztina, (Research Fellow ÁBTL Historical Archive of the Hungarian State): The Iron Curtain in Public History: Exhibition Sites Along the Former Austrian-Hungarian Border Zone
- Fabio Paride Pallotta (Universidade do Sagrado Coração, Bauru, Sao Paulo, Brazil) Public History in Urban Landscapes in Brazil: Preservation of Bauru Industrial Archeology Heritage
IFPH-3: Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritages
Chair Pierluigi Feliciati (University of Macerata)
- Olaya Sanfuentes (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile): Reflections on the possibility of a relationship between Cultural heritage and tourism
- Matteo Zaccarini (University of Edinburgh): The Athens of the North? Scotland, UK, France, and the struggle over the Parthenon
- Steffi de Jong (Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Cologne Sound Memory? – The Uses of Sound and Silence in Memorial Museums
IFPH-4: Difficult Heritage of Political Violence
Chair Marcello Flores (University of Siena)
- Olga Zaslavskaya, (NAKKA/IACC, Budapest, Hungary): “Topography of Terror”: Difficult Heritage and Public History Memorial Projects Beyond Archives
- Viviane Trindade Borges (Universidade do Estadode Santa Catarina (UDESC), Brazil) Public History and Hansen’s disease memories in Brazil: the project Memorial Hospital Colônia Santa Teresa.
- Radhika Hettiarachi (Herstories Project): Dealing with Sri Lanka’s violent past: community trauma, healing and dialogue for non-recurrence through storytelling
- Flaminia Bartolini, University of Cambridge: Difficult histories and their publics: Fascist heritage of a Sicilian town in Italy
IFPH-5: Public History as a creative approach to deal with contested & difficult pasts
Chair Catherine Horel (CISH-ICHS Executive Secretary)
- Edward Madigan (Royal Holloway, University of London) The Long Shadow of the Great War in Northern Ireland: Public History in Post-Conflict Resolution and Anglo-Irish Relations
- Maria Vasekha, (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Russian Academy of Science, Moscow) Who is Siberian, what is Siberian identity?
- Olwen Purdue, (Queen’s University Belfast) Public History in Northern Ireland: dealing with the past, engaging with the future’.
IFPH-6: Commemorations
Chair Indira Chowdhury (Centre for Public History, Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore, India)
- Alena Sauzade Veller (Stony Brook University), NY, USA: Beyond “Reflecting Absence,” Long Island Communities and the Commemoration of 9/11
- Rosanna Farbøl (Aarhus University) Cold War Memories, Museums and Heritage
- Steven Franklin (Royal Holloway, Univ. London), Clash of Narratives: Magna Carta & Monarchy in memorial form
IFPH-7: Jewish identity
Chair Dario Miccoli, (University of Venice)
- Gordana Blagojević (Institute of Ethnography, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia): Jewish Historical Museum through Perception of the Museum Visitors
- Dario Miccoli, (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice): Turning the pages of the past: the Jews of Algeria in postcolonial France
- Marina Shcherbakova, ( Heidelberg University) : Public History and the National Question under Communism: Challenges of the Soviet Jewish Museums (1919 – 1952)
- Mordechai Zalkin (Ben-Gurion University, Israel) Jewish Living History – Between Threat and Challenge
IFPH-8: Holocaust Memory
Chair Tullia Catalan (University of Trieste)
- Michele Sarfatti (Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea CDEC, Milano), The Italian Law instituting Remembrance Day: History, Remembrance and the Present
- Bieke Van Camp (Université Paul-Valéry, France): Qualifying the Myths of the the inaudible/inexpressible in Public History: A Study based on Publication Policies of Shoah Testimonies in Italy (1945-2016)
- Khushboo Chauhan (Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India): Creating Visual Public History for Millions through Documentaries on the Holocaust: Telling it Like it Really Was?
IFPH-9: Visual storytelling: cinema, murals and graphic novel
Chair Andreas Fickers (Director Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History, University of Luxembourg)
- Philip Lewis, (Georgia State University, Atlanta) Public History Walkabout: The Introduction of Place Based Cinema
- Muriel Laurent, (Universidad de los Andes) The increasing production of graphic novels with historical contents: characterization and role of historians. Reflections from Latin America
- Thomas Hippler, (University of Normandy Caen) « Middle-classification» in British historical TV series
- Raina Zimmering (Universität Linz): The production of senses in the murals of the Zapatistas through cognitive/emotional and affective participation
IFPH-10: Digital Heritage Vs. Digital (Public) History
Chair Enrica Salvatori (University of Pisa)
- Antonella Ambrosio (University of Naples Federico II): Can online European documents be a valuable resource for Public History? The cases of Net and Topotheque portals
- Enrica Salvatori (University of Pisa, Laboratorio di Cultura Digitale): Digital History / Heritage, Digital Public History: a mandatory relationship?
- Simone Zambruno, Antonino Vazzana, Alessandro Iannucci (Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna) From sources to narratives: the role of Computer Graphic to foster historical knowledge.
- Marco Orlandi, Federico Taverni, Alessandro Iannucci: The role of Historic Town Atlases in public history: the transition to digital
IFPH-11: Digital Public History of WW1
Chair Frank Drauschke, (Facts & Files Berlin)
- Václav Sixta, (The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague): Virtual museums and their public
- Martine Vermandere (Amsab-Institute of Social History, Ghent): Virtual exhibition: Belgian refugees in England during World War One
- Sandra Camarda (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History) Virtual Exhibition: Remembering the Great War in Luxembourg
- Frank Drauschke, (Facts & Files Berlin) Engaging European Citizens with Sources of their Common Past European Digital Public History Projects: Transcribathon.eu and Europeana1914-1918.eu
IFPH-12: Digital History and Digital Public History in Spain
Chair: Matilde Eiroa San Francisco (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
- Encarnación Barranquero Texeira (University of Málaga, Spain): Diging Franco’s Repression Up. Digital Public History And Victims Exhumations Online
- Ángeles Egido León (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia UNED), New Challenges And New Tools For The Historian: The “Oral History” In The Framework Of “Digital History”
- Matilde Eiroa San Francisco (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain): Traumatic past online: History and Digital Memory in Spain
- Eric de Ruijter (IISG, Amsterdam), Could you tell me what happened to my father in Spain?
- Andrea Torre and Erica Grossi (INSMLI and Associazione italiana combattenti volontari antifascisti di Spagna, Milano) “Oggi in Spagna, domani in Italia”. An interactive database of the Italian antifascists volunteers in the Civil War: structure, sources and features.
IFPH-14: Public History in Museums
Chair Deborah S. Dubald (European University Institute)
- Bruno A Martinho (European University Institute): Curating history: what happens when scholars and curators meet in the museum
- Tilde G. Jessen (Roskilde University): Past Uses of Pasts: 100 Years of Living History in Danish Museums
- Daniela Serra (Instituto de Historia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile): Science, History and Teenagers. Community Engagement Through the Creation of a School Museum
- Sarah A. M. Soleim (North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina) “Glocal” History: Sister Cities, Public History, and International Collaboration
- Roger Panetta (Fordham University): Sing Sing and the Future Of The Prison Museum
IFPH-15: War/Peace Heritage as a privilege place for PH?
Chair Catalina Munoz, (Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia)
- Wannes Devos (War Heritage Institute, Brussels – Ghent University): “A mass of mistakes worth avoiding?”. The musealization of the Second World War in the national military museums in Western Europe (1944-present).
- Matthew Jackson (Queen’s University Belfast): Historical Museums in the Aftermath of Conflict: Representing ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland
- Rafael Zurita Aldeguer (Universidad de Alicante) and Juan Antonio Mira Rico (Servei Municipal de Patrimoni Cultural de Castalla): The Battlefields as a Cultural Heritage. Behind the Traces of Italians in the Spanish War of Independence (1812)
- Moira Kristin O’Shea, (University of Chicago) Memorial Dissonance in Contesting Confederate Memorials – A boundary approach to collective memory
IFPH-16: Should History Museums foster identities?
Chair Serge Noiret (European University Institute, Florence)
- Christine Dupont (Museum curator at the House of European History): Exhibiting European Past: Challenges for the brand new House of European History
- Johannes Zechner (Freie Universität Berlin): Nations Behind Glass. Exhibiting Identity in the History Museum
- Nicolas Pitsos (CREE Center for Research on Europe-Eurasia at Inalco): Ghosts of the Eastern Question in Greece’s public space, at the turning of the 21th century
- Emily Gunzburger Makaš (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) & Senada Demirović Habibija (Senior Advisor for Urban Planning for the City of Mostar): Interpreting Mostar in the City’s Museums
IFPH-17: Forms of PH in Russia today
Chair: Irina Savelieva, (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
- Alexandra Kolesnik (National Research University, Moscow): Performing History on Stage: Representations of the Past in British Heavy Metal
- Oksana V. Golovashina, (Tambov State University named G.R. Derzhavin) The Soviet Union in the modern students’ perception: an association experiment with the use of visual intermediaries
- Valeria Kasamara & Anna Sorokina (National Research University, Moscow): Pride and Shame in Collective Memory of Russian and American Youths
- Natalia Buryka (UPEC Université Paris–Est Créteil Val de Marne) Documentary graphic novel as Public History in Russia
- Irina Savelieva, (National Research University, Moscow): Public History in Russia: Professional Work, Amateurism, a Hobby, or a ‘Star Fever’ of an Academic Historian?
IFPH-18: Videogames and Public History
Chair Marcello Ravveduto (Università di Salerno)
- Aldo Giuseppe Scarselli (Università degli Studi di Firenze): Videogames as a cultural social and educational phenomenon
- Valerio Larcher (Università degli Studi di Padova): Historical narration in Paradox Interactive’s video games
- János Vas (University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary): Assassin’s Creed and History
IFPH-19: Oral History and Public History in community projects
Chair Tanya Evans (Macquarie University, Sidney, Australia)
- Madeleine Regan (Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia) How migrant communities remember: Moving narratives to the web
- Graham Smith, (Royal Holloway, University of London – Chair of the Oral History Society) Where is the love? Whatever happened to the happy marriage of oral history and public history?
- James Worner (University of Technology Sydney, (Australia): A land of manly men? New ways of telling old stories about being a bloke in Australia
IFPH-20: Past and Present Community Memories
Chair Paul Knevel (University of Amsterdam)
- Mieke Kirkels, (Independent Scholar) “Liberation children of color in The Netherlands
- Christine Bartlitz & Violetta Rudolf (Centre for Contemporary History in Potsdam, Germany): “Forward and never to forget” The Historical Factor for Public Policy in Trade Unions
- Timothy Compeau, (University of Western Ontario, Canada) “Making Enemies with Public History: Popular Memory, Historical Villains, and Competing Nationalisms in North America’s War of 1812 Bicentennial”
IFPH-21: Representing the European troubled past: a comparative perspective
Chair: Claudia Baldoli, (Newcastle University, UK)
- Matt Perry, (Newcastle University): The UK history in the history of the UK in the ‘era of commemoration’: the case of the Jarrow Crusade’s 80th anniversary
- Gustavo Corni, (Università di Trento): Confronting the Nazi past in German public history
- Matteo Pasetti, (Università di Bologna): Exhibiting the dictatorial past: the Iberian cases between memory and oblivion
- Claudia Baldoli, (Newcastle University, UK): The Guilt Factor: Commemorating the Second World War Bombing of Italy
IFPH-23. Defining New Areas of Action for Public History in Italy
Chair: Paolo Bertella Farnetti (Master in Public History, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
- Marcello Ravveduto (Università di Salerno) Narrating the Mafias: an Italian public history
- Paolo Bertella Farnetti (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia) An Imaginary Empire: Private Colonial Archives and Public Memory
- Cecilia Novelli (Università di Cagliari) Business Enterprises and Territory: An Atlas at the Roots of Italian Productivity
- Roberto Ibba (Università di Cagliari) Intangible Cultural Heritage and Landscape: attempts at research.
IFPH-24. Does History Sell?
Roundtable Coordinator: Carherine Brice (University of Paris Est-Créteil – UPEC)
- Thekla Keuck (Geschichtsbüro Reder, Roeseling & Prüfer, Cologne)
- Olivier Thomas L’Histoire,
- Benjamin Brillaud Nota Bene Youtube
- Cecilia Palombelli, Viella,
- Chiara Ottaviano, Cliomedia Officina
- Enrica Salvatori, Historycast
- Olaya Sanfuentes, Heritage Tourism in Chile
- Lorenzo Bertucelli, Master of Public History in Modena
- Rabea Rittgerodt, De Gruyter
IFPH-25. Studying Public History
Chair Bruno De Wever (University of Ghent)
- Corinna Bittner, Universität zu Köln & Judith Uebing, Universität zu Köln: Studying Public History in Germany – What and what for?
- Daphné Budasz, Université Paris-Est Créteil & Romain Duplan, Université Paris-Est Créteil: How should public history be taught? A students’ point of view
- Iris Pupella-Noguès Université Paris-Est Créteil Which professional opportunities can a public history degree offer?
- Bárbara Silva, (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile): Teaching narrative history as a way to get to Public History
IFPH-26 Teaching Public History: An International Working Group – 4 Topics:
Roundtable Coordinator: Thomas Cauvin (University of Louisiana at Lafayette):
- Thomas Cauvin Necessary skills for public history students
- Christine Gundermann Syllabi to teach introduction to public history courses
- Tanya Evans Resources in different languages to teach an introduction to public history courses (books, articles, projects, and case studies
- Dan Vivian Code of Ethics for public historians
- Nick Barrat (UK)
- Catherine Brice (France)
- David Dean (Canada)
- Fien Danniau (Belgium)
- Tanya Evans (Australia)
- Paolo Farnetti (Italy)
- Aurora Savelli (Italy)
- Geoff Ginn (Australia)
- Christine Gunderman (Germany)
- Jon Hunner (USA)
- Paul Knevel (Holland)
- Thorsten Logge (Germany)
- Olwen Purdue (Northern Ireland, UK)
- Daniel Vivian (USA)
- Joanna Wojdon (Poland)
IFPH-27. Teaching and Learning Public History
Chair: Marko Demantowsky (University of Basel, Switzerland)
- Cord Arendes (University of Heidelberg), Student Project-teaching as a Teaching Format for Public History
- Thomas Sandkühler (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften), The Federal President’s History Competition: Writing History as teaching Public History in German Schools
- Vassiliki Sakka (University of Peloponnese, Korinth): Limitations for History Teachers to Bridge Past and Present
IFPH-28. Public History and Divided Memories. Stories from Italy in the 20th Century.
Chair: John Foot (University of Bristol, UK)
- Phil Cooke (University of Strathclyde) The monument to the Caduti of Sabbiuno di Paderno
- Gianluca Fantoni (Nottingham Trent University) The Jewish Brigade and Italy: A case of Political Use of The Past and its Repercussions on Italian Politics.
- John Foot (University of Bristol), Divided Memory and San Miniato, 1944-2017
- Amy King (University of Bristol) The memory of Giacomo Matteotti in Italian communities of the United States
- Victoria Witkowski (EUI) The Trial of Rodolfo Graziani and the Manipulation of Historical Consciousness in Post War Italy
IFPH-29. The Roles of Public Historians in the Maintenance of Civil Society: Case Studies in Authority and Method from Colombia, the United States, and the United Kingdom
Chair Tammy Gordon (North Carolina State University)
- Jairo Antonio Melo Flórez, (El Colegio de Michoacán, Mexico) Can crowdsourcing help for Peace? Digital Public History as a tool for help to share and construct the history of peace in Colombia
- Aleisa Fishman (Historian United States Holocaust Memorial Museum): History Unfolded: U.S. Newspapers and the Holocaust
- Alix Green (University of Essex) Brexit, populist politics and the historian in public: blogging (and Tweeting) a turbulent present
- Tammy S. Gordon (North Carolina State University) Privacy, Safety, and Digital Public History in Times of Political Instability: A Case Study from North Carolina
IFPH-30. History and the political present: the dilemmas and opportunities for historians in policymaking
Chair: Alix Green, (University of Essex, UK)
- Paul Pitman, Office of the Historian, Department of State, Washington DC: Beyond Thucydides: How Policy Analysts Learn to Apply History
- Markus J. Prutsch, European Parliament: History and Memory in Europe: Divisive or Integrative?
- Louis M. Kyriakoudes, Middle Tennessee State University The Bill of Rights, Brought to You by Philip Morris: Tobacco Industry’s Use of History and Historians to Advance its Business, Legal, and Regulatory Agenda
IFPH-31. How can we bring different theoretical traditions and research fields relating to the past in more fruitful dialogue with each other?
Chair: Paula Hamilton, University of Technology, Sydney
- Anna Braeder, University of Aarhus, Denmark: Re-enactment as an embodied use of the past
- Wulf Kansteiner, University of Aarhus, Denmark: Key Concepts in Memory Studies, Public History, and History Didactics
- Paula Hamilton, University of Technology, Sydney: Revisiting Memory and Public History: talking past each other?.
IFPH-32. Representations of Power and Contested Memories
Chair: Melanie Huchler (Free University of Berlin)
- Melanie Huchler (Free University of Berlin) Contested Public History in the broad 1968
- Johanna Strunge (Free University of Berlin) How can Public History face contested memories? A case study of Hedwig Heyl, a pioneer of women’s rights, and a supporter of colonial oppression
- William Blakemore Lyon (University of Cambridge) Photography and bridging the gap between professional historians and society in Namibia
- Sophie Kühnlenz (Free University of Berlin) What remains from pro-choice posters and tomato-attacks? Or: Are historical fights for gender equality part of contemporary museum narratives?
- Ramona Krammer (Free University of Berlin) How to depict violence? The life of Klara Staiger in the Thirty Years War and how it can be displayed in museum exhibitions
IFPH-33. A museum is not a book: The historical museums of narrative and the setting up of the exhibition spaces
Chair: Livio Karrer (Museo M9, Mestre)
- Paul Cornish – Imperial War Museum, London
- Étienne Deschamps – House for European History, Bruxelles
- Mariona Companys – Museu d’Història de Catalunya, Barcelona
- Gedvilė B. Indrišionienė – The Museum of Genocide Victimes, Vilnius
- Michelangela Di Giacomo – M9 Museum, Mestre
IFPH-34. Engaging the Public through Interactive History
Chair Jon Hunner (New Mexico State University)
- Philip Lewis, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA Public History Walkabout: The Introduction of Place Based Cinema
- Joan Zenzen, Independent Scholar, Washington D.C.: Living History in the U.S. National Park Service
- Cécile Franchetti, (Independent Scholar, Venice), Jon Hunner (New Mexico State University) and Father Kevork Sarkisyan (Congregazione Armena Mechitarista, Venezia): Armenian in Venice: The Benefits of Heritage Preservation
- Sinead Cox, Marie-Anne Gagnon & Arpita Bajpeyi (Co-Directors of Staging Our Histories): Two Years Off the Page: Performances of the Past in Conversation
IFPH-35. Echo of History really beginning” – the Sea in the heritage management and public history practices in global perspective
Chair: Fei Sheng, (Sun Yat Sen University, China)
- Alexei Kraikovski, European University at St. Petersburg, Russia: Nothing but the Sea” – Schloss Fall manor through the perspective of the Big St. Petersburg heritage complex
- Luiz Loureiro Fernandes & Maria Cristina Dadalto, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil: Traditional fishing communities environment and heritage.
IFPH-36. Public history approach for migration: methods, tools and strategies
Chair: Constantin Eckner (University of St Andrews, Scotland)
- Anita Lucchesi (University of Luxembourg). Curating a digital memory platform on migration in Luxembourg: crowdsourcing stories for a collective multimedia storytelling
- Nicolas Graf Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines (CDMH), Luxembourg The ‘Mémoire vive’ workshop and exhibition
- Constantin Eckner (University of St Andrews) The finger on the pulse of politics: how history of migration can contribute to the ‘refugee debate’
- Jozefien De Bock (Ghent University) Migration in cultural projects and public history: between scientific rigour and real participation
- Bill Niven, (Nottingham Trent University), “The Impact of the Refugee Crisis on German Memory”
IFPH-37. Chair Setting the Story Straight: Public History For A Challenging Present
Chair: Liz Sevcenko (Humanities Action Lab, New School, New York)
- Tim Raphael, (Rutgers University) “Recognize yourself in he and she who are not like you and me.”
- Serge Noiret, (European University Institute) “Why public history is even more needed today: a view from the EU.”
- Catalina Muñoz, (Universidad de los Andes) “Historians Mobilizing for Peace in the Wake of Colombia’s Plebiscite”
IFPH-38. Public History is not a “Turn-Key” Movement: Considerations When Practicing Public History across Cultures
Chair Philip V. Scarpino, (Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis)
- Kristine Navarro-McElhaney, (Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA): History, Memory and U.S.-Mexico Migration – Undocumented Voices
- Philip V. Scarpino (Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis): Transplanting Public History across National Borders – Whose Voice, and who is Listening?
- Alexandra Dellios (University of Melbourne) Remembering migrant settlement: public and family history making in Australia
IFPH-39. Cold War within the City: Describing the difficult past of Berlin.
Chair: Andreas Etges (University of Munich)
- Hanno Hochmuth, Potsdam, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschungen: Shadow Places in Berlin: Memory, Marketing, and Authenticity in the Capital of the Cold War
- Gerhard Sälter, Berlin, Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer: Deadly Confrontations at the Berlin Border (1948–1961). Reactions, Contemporary Media, and Public Memory
- Patrick Major, Reading, University of Reading: From the Queen to the Sex Pistols: British Public Culture and the Berlin Wall
- Andreas Etges, University of Munich: Creating a Cold War Museum in Berlin
IFPH-40. Food, Identity, and Historical Memory: Case Studies from France, India, and the United States
Chair: Ilaria Porciani (University of Bologna)
- Tammy Gordon (North Carolina State University): “Gee, that’s Eatin’!” American Historical Memory, Food Service, and the Visual Culture of Rail Travel in the Early 20th Century
- Beatriz Sanchez (UTC-Sorbonne University Paris, France): Le Salon International de l’Agriculture: Soil, memory and history
- Christine F. Zinni (State University of New York at Brockport): Food, Culture and Museum Studies of the Mediterranean: Personal Encounters, Collaborative Learning & Pedagogy in Study Abroad Programs in Italy and Greece
IFPH-41. „On the Use and Abuse of (Public) History for Life“
Chair Miloš Řezník (Deutsches Historisches Institut Warschau)
- Cord Arendes, University of Heidelberg: History, Public History, and Democracy
- Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska, German Historical Institute Warsaw / University of Łódź: „We wanted to die with dignity.” The Museum of Warsaw Rising and the politics of history in Poland
- Katrin Stoll, German Historical Institute Warsaw: The Figure of the “Polish Righteous” in Public Discourse and Material Space in Poland
IFPH-42. Public History and Digital Archives
Chair: Paolo Vignolo, (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
- Juan Camilo Murcia Galindo & María Alejandra Vallejo Fonseca, Universidad Nacional de Colombia: Making Public History in a region without a public sphere: the case of Darién -Colombia.
- José Nicolás Jaramillo Liévano & Elvis Andrés Rojas Rodríguez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia: Digital Lorenzetti - Paolo Vignolo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Affective archives: The Central Cemetery of Bogota as a Citizen Lab
- María Alejandra Vallejo Fonseca & Juan Camilo Murcia Galindo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Digital archives: a field to explore.
IFPH-43. Between theory and practice: Teaching Public History in Europe
Chair: Andreas Etges (University of Munich)
- Joanna Wojdon (University of Wrocław, Poland) Public History in Poland
- Irmgard Zündorf, (FU Berlin) – Christine Gundermann (University of Cologne) The German Model
- Catherine Brice, UPEC “Histoire publique” in France
- Bruno De Wever, Univ. Gent “Publiek Geschiedenes” in Belgium
IFPH-44. Presenting “difficult” history – Jewish heritage in East-Central Europe
Chair: Gerben Zaagsma (University of Göttingen)
- Magdalena Waligorska (University of Bremen): Bringing Difficult Heritage Back Home: Belarus’ Forgotten Holocaust and the Challenges of Public History.
- Gerben Zaagsma (University of Göttingen): East-Central European Jewish heritage onlin
- Magda Zych (Jagiellonian University, Kraków): Awkward Objects of Genocide: Exhibiting Polish Folk Art Devoted to the Holocaust.
- Aleksandra Szczepan (Jagiellonian University, Kraków), Jacek Małczyński (University of Wrocław), “The Job in the Field and at the Desk”: Vernacular Public Historian and Jewish Heritage
IFPH-45. History, Memory and Acts of Public Commemoration
Chair: Michael Frisch, (University of Buffalo, USA)
- Paula Hamilton University of Technology, Sydney, Australia: “Failed commemorative acts: the politics of forgetting”
- Geoff Cubitt Institute for the Public Understanding of the Past, University of York, UK: “British regimental museums as ‘memory places’: regiments, narratives, and identities”
- David Dean Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: “Monumental Failures: Historical Memory and Commemoration in Canada”
- Indira Chowdhury Centre for Public History, Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore, India: “Can museum objects have a second life? – Creating a commemorative volume for Asia’s oldest Museum”
IFPH-46. Reenactment and Heritage: examples of promotion and collaboration between governmental agencies, businesses and associations
Chair Silvia Pellegrini, (Musei Civici Di Modena, Italy)
- Silvia Pellegrini, Musei Civici Di Modena, Italy Museums and living history: the experience of the Musei Civici di Modena
- Eric Teyssier, Université de Nìmes, France The Potential Of The Reenactment: From Large Events to Documentaries Of Historical
- Andrea Ferretti, Crono Eventi, Italy Public history and reenactment: perspectives for a new applied history
IFPH-49. Circulation Of Photographic Albums And Corpuses in New Contexts Of Public Space And Museum Exhibitions
Chair Andrea Pruchova, (Charles University, Prague)
- Marika Honkaniemi, (University of Turku), Reconstructing and Recreating War Exhibitions: The Case of the Finnish-German Exhibition “War in Pictures”
- Andrea Pruchova, (Charles University, Prague), Remediation of Historical Photos of “Occupations” in the Czech Modern History
- Cenek Pycha, (Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague), Reframing Family Albums in Public Exhibitions
IFPH-50. Public history academic textbooks
Chair Joanna Wojdon (University of Wrocław, Poland)
- Thomas Cauvin (University of Louisiana, Lafayette, USA), Author of Public History: A Texbook of Practice, Routledge, 2016
- David Dean (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada), Editor of A Companion to Public History (forthcoming 2017, Wiley-Blackwell
- Faye Sayer (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK), Author of Public History: A Practical Guide, Bloomsbury Academic, 2015
- Joanna Wojdon (University of Wrocław, Poland) Editor of Historia w przestrzeni publicznej to be published by PWN in Warsaw in 2017/18, in Polish
- Irmgard Zündorf (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam, Germany), Editor of the book series Public History – Geschichte in der Praxis, UTB/Francke 2016, author of Eine Einführung in die Public History, forthcoming 2017 UTB
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Serge Noiret (May 15, 2017). 4th IFPH Annual Conference Program – Ravenna, Italy, 5-9 June 2017. IFPH-FIHP. Retrieved January 26, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/pvnn
4 Responses
[…] 4th IFPH Annual Conference Draft Program – Ravenna, Italy, 5-9 June 2017 […]
[…] You can find more informations about the Conference as well as the program at this link : https://ifph.hypotheses.org/1271 […]
[…] Federazione Internazionale programma: https://ifph.hypotheses.org/1271 […]
[…] June 4-9, the International Federation for Public History (IFPH) held its 4th Annual Conference at the University of Bologna’s campus in Ravenna, Italy. The History Department was one of […]