CFP for the 2nd Annual Conference of the AIPH – Italian Association of Public History, Pisa, Italy, 5-9 June 2018 – Deadline extended February 5, 2018
The aim of the Italian Association of Public History is to develop Public History in Italy by creating opportunities to meet, share and compare knowledge among all those who practice it, promoting the teaching, research and valorization of the best experiences in this field.
The 2nd National Conference in Pisa, during which the Plenary Assembly of the Association will also be held, continues the work we began in Ravenna in June 2017 to discuss and share experiences and practices, as well as to address the many challenges of Public History:
- filling the gap between historical research and historical common sense;
- attracting new audiences through participation projects;
- ensuring that history is perceived as an essential resource for understanding the present and planning the future;
- contributing to a greater awareness of the value of historical knowledge as a requirement for a full citizenship;
- designing the most appropriate education to meet these challenges;
- comparing the original practices of the discipline in Europe and other continents.
To highlight the variety of experiences currently in place in Italy, the Association choose to indicate a set of topics for submitting proposals. The invitation to apply is addressed to historians and archaeologists, including curators of exhibitions and museums, archivists and librarians, geographers and architects, and more generally to those who work in the content industry and in the creative field such as writers, journalists, artists, directors, dramatis, movie and documentary makers, musicians, but also collectors and local or non-local history connoisseurs.
The Italian Association of Public History aims to create opportunities for confrontation and reflection among those who work with and on the past, on how history is present in society, from university to squares, in high and popular culture, in everyday life.
- Anniversaries and celebrations
- History and memory
- Monuments and places of memory
- Commemorations
- Living History
- Public Use of History
- Digital Media, Internet and Collaborative Writing in History
- Digital Public History
- Audio and Video
- Crowdsourcing
- Photography and Public History
- Open Access and Communication in History
- Mobile App dedicated to History
- Historical Films
- TV Series
- Documentaries
- Literature
- Comics
- Video Game
- Theater
- Who are the Public Historians in Italy
- Professional Ethics and Public History
- Teaching Public History
- Schools, Teachers and Public History
- History in Museums & Exhibitions
- Historical Magazines and their Audience
- Public and Private Patrons in History
- What is the Market for History?
- The Social Role of the Historian
- Light Archeology and territorial Identities
- Public Archeology for the Government of the Lanscape
- Material & Immaterial Cultural Heritage
- Public Policies
- Oral History & Community Memories
- Urban History
- History of the Environment and Landscape
- History and Business Communication
- Cultural Tourism
It is possible to submit two types of original proposals:
a) single paper, which will then be assessed in a panel by the Scientific Committee. Each proposal must be accompanied by a summary in Italian and English (2000 characters), a short CV, the contacts of the applicant.
b) a panel of 3 or 4 participants with a coordinator. Each proposal must be accompanied by a general summary, in Italian and English, and a summary of each paper. They will also have the CV and contact information of each panel speaker, as well as the The Association will not receive panel composed of members from the same institution.Proposals must be received by January 15, 2018 February 5, 2018 at the Secretariat of the Association:
The expected duration for each panel is 90 minutes, at least 20 minutes are reserved for the discussion
By February 2018, the first draft of the program will be elaborated and disseminated.
A Call for Poster for individual projects will be launched by the end of 2017.
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Serge Noiret (November 3, 2017). CFP for the 2nd Annual Conference of the AIPH – Italian Association of Public History, Pisa, Italy, 5-9 June 2018 – Deadline extended February 5, 2018. IFPH-FIHP. Retrieved January 26, 2025 from