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First Public Meeting of the IFPH-FIHP Steering Committee

1st IFPH Meeting LuxembourgFirst Public Meeting of the IFPH-FIHP Steering Committee, Luxembourg, CVCE, Abbaye de Neumünster, Wednesday 22nd of March 2012. The meeting was organised thanks to the CVCE, the “Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance de l’Europe”. Her Director, Mrs. Marianne Baeckes, offered very kindly to host our first IFPH meeting during the Second Symposium in Digital Humanities, (“Websites as sources: How should humanities and social sciences approach, use and diffuse publicly available online sources? 20–21 March 2012) and THATcamp Luxembourg-Trier, 22-23 March 2012.

These activities and the IFPH meeting were also co-organized and co-sponsored by the Master in Contemporary European History at the University of Luxembourg directed by Prof. René Leboutte, (Jean Monnet Chair, Histoire européenne contemporaine, University of Luxembourg). Minutes of the IFPH-FIHP SC Luxembourg Meeting, 22nd of March 2011 SC members present were: Michael Devine, Arnita Jones, Andreas Etges, Jean-Pierre Morin, Serge Noiret. Anna Adamek excused and replaced by Sean Tudor. Thomas Cauvin from the Nominating Committee wrote the minutes.

1. IFPH MEMBERSHIP · The first annual IFPH Membership fee will include 2012 and 2013. The fee will be renewed in January each year. · The proposed fees (to be confirmed in Milwaukee) are: · – 10 USD students · – 30 USD professionals · – 100 USD founding members · The Steering Committee also discussed the desirability of Institutional Members for the IFPH, and noted that the organization’s by-laws provide for such a category. · New members registered with the IFPH after our public presentation in Luxembourg. At the moment, to be listed as new member or to know more about the IFPH the contact is (SC Chair). Information about the IFPH-FIHP are available at:· After Luxembourg, a 2nd public meeting of the IFPH will take place in Milwaukee. · The first worldwide general membership assembly of the IFPH-FIHP will take place during the NCPH Ottawa meeting in April 2013.

2. IFPH FINANCES · The IFPH SC Treasurer, Michael Devine will open a US IFPH bank account for supporting the activities of the Federation. The solution will be presented before our Milwaukee meeting.

3.IFPH-FIHP CONFERENCES: · 2013 – Toronto · 2014 – Europe · 2015 – China, Jinan · The IFPH has forwarded several themes as requested from the International Committee (CISH). We will not know if any are selected until Fall 2012. But it is also possible to plan a modest parallel meeting in Jinan, so that more of the work of public historians will be showcased. The presence of a member of the IFPH SC at a preliminary program meeting in Budapest 6-8 September 2012 is requested. The CISH will decide about the Jinan program and also about the selection of PH themes that have been presented before the deadline in January 2012 by Arnita Jones. · The 2014 International conference will take place in Europe in Autumn, maybe in the Netherlands. The topic of this conference will be Digital Public History. More information will be available in Milwaukee.

4. IFPH-FIHP GOALS The IFPH-FIHP has nothing to offer yet (no grants, no programs, etc..) but is now a communication platform to diffuse PH worldwide and share the practices of PH. The idea will be to promote discussion about the PH field, to foster the creation of PH curricula in universities worldwide, to promote PH conferences worldwide, to create an international calendar of PH events, to link national PH organizations, to create an international retrospective multi-lingual bibliographical database for PH scholarship, to create a worldwide calendar of PH activities.

5. SC MEMBERS FUNCTIONS Timing for the rotation of the at large delegates will be changed from 2011 to 2012 for the beginning. Proposal will be defined in Milwaukee to postpone all elections from one year to foster continuity at the beginning. Elections will be in December 2013. Andreas Etges and Anna Adamek will arrange together who will the first to be reelected. SC Officers Roles: · President (Serge Noiret) will represent organization; chairs nominations committee, represents organization; help develop membership and organize the bibliography of PH. · Vice-President (Jean-Pierre Morin) will take care of the communication committee, website, IFPH program for Ottawa. · Treasurer (Michael Devine) will take care of the bank account and finance of the IFPH. · Corresponding Secretary (Arnita Jones) will take care of the contacts with the NCPH, take care of relations with other organizations and deal with the IFPH calendar and foster the presence of IFPH with panels in AHA and NCPH conferences · At large delegates: help develop membership, organize special projects, spearheads of committees with President for nominations, conceive “best-practices” documents.

6. IFPH COMMUNICATION POLICY: · Under the responsibility of Jean-Pierre Morin (Vice-Chair responsible for IFPH communication) a preliminary new web site will be available before meeting in Milwaukee. The web site will be created by Marc Tebeau (Clevelandd University) for IFPH, domain will be registered by Jean-Pierre Morin as: · Website will contain: IFPH subcomities, by-laws, calendar of PH activities worldwide (responsible Arnita Jones), directories with associations, programs in universities, memberships and syllabi. · Twitter @IFPH and Facebook accounts will be linked to the website · A contact e-mail will be: · H-Public and NCPH blogs will be used in relation with IFPH-FIHP activities (Cathy Stanton). · The global Membership Distribution’s Listserv is available thanks to John Dichtl (NCPH). · Google group restricted discussion’s list for the SC has been created.

7. IFPH COMMITTEES: · A network of volunteers will have to support the activities of the steering committee within a special committees for recruiting members in continents not represented within the SC. Members of this committee will have to foster IFPH contacts in Asia, Pacific, South and Central America, Africa. · A Survey Committee will have to request membership what they think the IFPH should do and how to promote PH worldwide. Here’s are some pictures documenting the IFPH Luxembourg meeting and the THATcamp and 2nd Symposium of Digital Humanities organised by the CVCE: IFPH Steering Committee meeting and portaits of Arnita Jones, Michael Devine, Jean-Pierre Morin, Andreas Etges and Serge Noiret.

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Serge Noiret (June 28, 2013). First Public Meeting of the IFPH-FIHP Steering Committee. IFPH-FIHP. Retrieved January 26, 2025 from

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