Public History in a Digital World – The Revolution Reconsidered – IFPH-FIHP International Conference, Amsterdam October 23-25, 2014
Organised by:
International Federation for Public History
NIOD, Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam
Co-sponsored By:
Amsterdam Center for Cultural Heritage and Identity, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam School for Culture and History, University of Amsterdam
The Foundation for the History of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology
Twitter Hashtag #IFPH2014
Conference Website at UvA:
Complete Booklet of #IFPH2014 (PDF)
Day 1: Thursday October 23
REGISTRATION and COFFEE: 9.00-9.30 – Oudemanhuispoort (OMHP), Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, Amsterdam
- Follow conference signs to registration desk and meeting rooms.
Brief welcome remarks by Serge Noiret, President of the International Federation for Public History and Paul Knevel, Coordinator of the MA in Public History at the University of Amsterdam.
KEYNOTE LECTURE: Dr Jerome de Groot, “Public History Online: Possibilities and Problems”
BREAK: 10.30-11.00
Coffee and snacks available in the Atrium Pyramid Zaal (Piramidezaal)
*As this is exam week we have been asked to move the coffee breaks to a building just around the corner from OMHP, to minimize noise in the corridors. Refreshments will be available in the Atrium Pyramid Zaal (Piramidezaal), Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237, Amsterdam
SESSION 2: 11.00-12.30
1. Making History Public (NIOD) – OMHP F0.01
CHAIR: Bruno de Wever (BE)
- Petra Links (NL): Preserving history in Rwanda
- Hinke Piersma (NL): Historians narrating the Second World War
- Kees Ribbens (NL): Wikipedia’s World War
2. Scholarly Historical Editing in a Digital World – OMHP C2.17
CHAIR: Bram Mellink (NL)
- Edward G. Lengel (USA): Patience and Innovation in Digital Public History: The George Washington Financial Papers Project and the Future of Scholarly Editing.
- Holly Cowan Schulman (USA): Hope, Fear, and the Digital Future of Scholarly Editing
- Connie Schulz (USA): From Our Database to Your Browser: Who Pays? Who Publishes? Who Sustains?
LUNCH: 12.30-2.00
12.30-14.00: IFPH Steering Committee Meeting
(Committee Members Only): Meet at OMHP F0.01
SESSION 3: 2.00-3.30
3. Sound Archives, Auditory Memory and New Strategies of Public History – OMHP F2.01C
CHAIR: Gemma Blok (NL)
- Viktoria Tkaczyk (DE): Making Auditory Memories Public: The Foundation of Sound Archives and Memory Research around 1900
- Carolyn Birdsall (NL): Accessing Found Sounds: Private Sound Collections in Recent Documentary
- Manon Parry (NL): Sound in the Museum: Establishing the Dolhuys as a Museum of the Mind
4. Telling History in Print and in Digital Form – OMHP F0.01
CHAIR: Patrick Moore (USA)
- Charles Romney (USA): The Problem of Time in Digital and Print Representations of Cities
- Aaron Shapiro (USA): Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: Student-Centered Digital Public History
- Jennifer Koslow (USA): The Perplexities of Virtualizing Early Twentieth Century Health Exhibits
BREAK: 3.30-4.00
Coffee and snacks available in the Atrium Pyramid Zaal (Piramidezaal)
SESSION 4: 4.00-5.30
5. Digital History = Public History? – OMHP F2.01C
CHAIR: John Ditchl (USA)
- Ramses Delafontaine (BE): Doing Historical Dialogues Online
- Bruno de Wever (BE): A Belgian Virtual Museum of World War II
- Gita Deneckere (BE): engaging the academic community?
6. Citizen and Community History – challenges and opportunities – OMHP F0.01
CHAIR: Thomas Cauvin (USA)
- Mia Ridge (UK): Where is the Revolution in Citizen History? The Place of Crowdsourcing in Public History
- Annemarie de Wildt (NL): Story/ Community Websites: Whose Stories are Being Told by Whom?
- Lonnie Stegink (NL): The Community Jewish Monument, a Meeting Place for Survivors, Descendants and Historians?
Sponsored by NIOD, The Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies –
Het Compagnietheater, Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam
Day 2: Friday October 24
Oudemanhuispoort 4-6 (OMHP), Amsterdam – Follow conference signs to registration desk and meeting rooms.
SESSION 1: 9.00-10.30
7. Mobile and time-based innovations – OMHP F0.01
CHAIR: Paul Knevel (NL)
- Thomas Irmer (DE): Local history getting global – The example of the “Forced labor. The testimony app” in Berlin
- Hanno Hochmuth (DE): Historic Authenticity in the Age of Digital Reproducibility. Video Bus Tours in Berlin and Leipzig
- Judith Keilbach (NL): Media Formats of HisTourism. A Media Studies Approach
8. New media tools – Brazilian Perspective – OMHP F0.02
CHAIR: Kees Ribbens (NL)
- Juliana Bastos Marques (BR): Ultimate Public History, or How Historians Can Make Peace with Wikipedia
- Anita Lucchesi (BR): @Rio450, A Case Study on Digital & Public History Live-writing Experience
- Ana Maria Mauad (BR): Envisioning History: Public Photography, Memory and Digital Platforms
BREAK: 10.30-11.00
Coffee and snacks available in the Atrium Pyramid Zaal (Piramidezaal), Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237
SESSION 2: 11.00-12.30
9. Useful Tools for Public Historians – OMHP F0.01
CHAIR: Jouke Turpijn (NL)
- Tiago Gil (BR): Digital Atlas of Portuguese America: Collaboration Tools and Creation of a User’s Community
- Dienke Hondius (NL): Digital Mapping and Slavery History
- Christine Bartlitz and Nadine Kurschat (DE): Getting in Touch – Digital History Bringing new Forms of Mediation. Public History Projects in Berlin: Audio Walk “kudamm‘31“ and Geocaching “Tempelhofer Feld”
10. Public History Contexts of WWI in Europe – OMHP F0.02
CHAIR: Serge Noiret (IT)
- Enrico Natale (CH): The Digital Public History of WWI in Europe
- Chantal Kesteloot (BE): Commemorations in Federal Belgium and Digital Time.”
- Sam van den Eijnden (NL): Commemorating ‘the European Civil War’. How the European Union marks the centenary of WW1
LUNCH: 12.30-2.00 – EXHIBIT OPEN (Het Compagnietheater)
This informal lunchtime session is open to anyone interested in publishing their work in the peer-reviewed National Council on Public History journal, The Public Historian. Editorial Board members and previous contributors will be available to chat about your ideas for submissions to the journal and the web platform Public History Commons. Feel free to bring your lunch and any questions.
SESSION 3: 2.00-3.30
11. Crowdsourcing and Interactive Histories – OMHP F0.01
CHAIR: Julia Noordegraaf (NL)
- Anna Adamek (CA): Memories are Made in the Kitchen
- Laura van Hasselt (NL): Gambling History, Digital Revolution and the Quiz as a Form of Public History
- Lars Wieneke (LUX): From Images to Knowledge: Opening Up Historical Image Archives through Face Recognition Algorithms and Crowdsourcing
12. Un/Reliable Digital Public Histories – OMHP F2.01C
CHAIR: Koen Aerts (BE)
- Martin Grandjean (CH): Source Criticism in 140 Characters: Rewriting History on Social Networks
- Aigi Rahi-Tamm: In the Middle of Public Interest: The Process of Transforming the Past of Estonian Deported People
BREAK: 3.30-4.00
Coffee and snacks available in the Atrium Pyramid Zaal (Piramidezaal), OA
SESSION 4: 4.00-5.30
13. WORKSHOP: Debating Europe with a Digital Museum? – OMHP F0.01
During this interactive workshop we will explore, together with our audience, the options a new and innovative European Digital Museum for Science and Technology can pursue to stimulate and participate in cross-border public debates on Europe. “Europe” is a hot topic at the moment because of the recent European elections and the Dutch expected presidency of the European Union in 2016. The digital age is opening up new and unique opportunities to explore the transnational paths of technological objects, ideas and practices, placing national museum collections into a broader transnational and European historical narrative. We invite you to bring your laptops and Ipads so that we can experiment with the interactive website and the museum app.
Exhibit Hall, Het Compagnietheater
Practicing public historians, recent graduates, and current students showcase digital public history projects. During this session participants will be standing with their posters to explain their projects and answer questions. This is a great opportunity to engage with early career practitioners, to brainstorm about new initiatives, and to share tips for networking and career development. Please support our newest community-members by introducing yourself here. Conversations and introductions can be continued into the evening as the Exhibit Hall remains open during tonight’s reception.
Exhibit Opening Times: Friday Oct 24, 12.30-2.00, 4.00-7.30 (4.00-5.30 presentations and meet the participants)
Het Compagnietheater, Kloveniersburgwal 50, Amsterdam
Day 3, Saturday October 25: All sessions held at Het Compagnietheater
COFFEE: 8.30-9.00
Coffee and snacks available in the bar area.
15. Storytelling strategies – Kleine Zaal Compagnietheater
CHAIR: Manon Parry (NL)
- Cord Arendes and Moritz Hoffmann (DE): Tweeting the Past. Reinforcing the Idea of History in 140 Characters
- Mike de Kreek (NL): Title t.b.c
16. Public History and Access to Sources – Zuilenzaal Compagnietheater
CHAIR: Connie Schulz (USA)
- Sandra Toffolo (IT): Publically available digital historical sources and their users: the case of the European History Primary Sources (EHPS) Portal at the European University Institute
- Francesca Morselli (IRL), Andrea Buchner(UK): CENDARI and the Archival Research Guides. Historical Research in a Digital Research Infrastructure
BREAK: 10.30-11.00
Coffee and snacks available in the bar area.
CLOSING SESSION: 11.00-12.30
IFPH General Assembly Meeting and Concluding Discussion
Please join us for this final session to consider next steps, such as possible publications of conference proceedings and selected papers, as well as plans to build the international community of public historians. What can we do to build on the momentum of this meeting over the coming years? All conference attendees are invited to get involved – join us here to find out how you can participate in future events and to suggest new ideas for IFPH activities.
The organizing committee has listed local public history venues. Please see website for an up-to-date list of museum tours, discounted tickets, special and ongoing events.
Friday Oct 24, 12.30-2.00, 4.00-7.30 (4.00-5.30 presentations and meet the participants). Please see Exhibit Hall handout for details of Creative Industry Exhibitors and Poster Presenters.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Serge Noiret (October 17, 2014). Public History in a Digital World – The Revolution Reconsidered – IFPH-FIHP International Conference, Amsterdam October 23-25, 2014. IFPH-FIHP. Retrieved January 25, 2025 from