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Public History Explorers: Newsletter Issue, April 2019

Explorers for this Issue: Dr. Caroline McGee, Dr. Mamiko Ito, Coriana M. McDonald, Jimena Perry, Kresno Brahmantyo, Aiko Hillen

Project Manager: Jimena Perry

This month we are featuring Public History events in Germany related to memory and the uses of history. Always an interesting topic!

  • Latin America
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  • Middle-East
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  • Publication

Latin America

Archivos orales en Alemania y América Latina, las voces de la historia
Los archivos orales permiten acercar la historia a través de testimonios en primera persona de los protagonistas de los hechos. Aquí algunos proyectos alemanes y latinoamericanos. Detalles

Oral Archives in Germany and Latin America, Voices of History
Projects in Germany and Latin America allow us to get closer to history by collecting first person testimonies. Get to know oral some projects here. Details.


Presentaron digitalización completa del Archivo Histórico del Paraguay
La Secretaría Nacional de Cultura a través del Archivo Nacional presentó en conferencia de prensa la culminación de los trabajos de digitalización y descripción de los documentos pertenecientes al Archivo Histórico de la República del Paraguay (ex colección Vizconde de Río Branco). Detalles.

Historical Archive of Paraguay Digitized and Launched
The National Department of Culture through the National Archive presented the digitized documents of the Historical Archive of the Republic of Paraguay. Details.

Los “Archivos del terror”, la clave para destapar la Operación Cóndor en Paraguay

El director del Centro de Documentación de Paraguay, Agustín Fernández, relató cómo el descubrimiento de archivos policiales de la dictadura paraguaya fue clave para revelar el Plan Cóndor. Según cuenta, el hallazgo se produjo gracias a la colaboración de un funcionario despechado. Detalles.

The “Archives of Terror,” Key for Unveiling the Operation Condor in Paraguay

The director of the Center of Documentation of Paraguay, Agustín Fernández, stated how the discovery of some police archives of the Paraguayan dictatorship were key to unveil the Operation Condor. He said that the Discovery was made due to the collaboration of a heartbroken employee.Details.


El presidente mexicano presenta un acuerdo para la apertura de archivos históricos
El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presentó un acuerdo ejecutivo sobre el Archivo General de la Nación para la apertura y acceso a todos los documentos históricos generados desde 1985 que estaban restringidos. Detalles.

The Mexican President Issues and Agreement for Opening Historical Archives

The Mexican President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presented an executive agreement that allows Access to the historical documents of the Nation´s General Archive which were restricted since 1985. Details.

Archivo y Biblioteca de “El Nigromante”, inscritos a Memoria del Mundo 
Por su valor invaluable y a fin de resguardarlo para su difusión, el Archivo y la Biblioteca de Ignacio Ramírez Calzada “El Nigromante” han sido inscritos en el registro de Memoria del Mundo de México, de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO). Detalles.

Archive and Library “El Nigromante,” is now part of the Memory of the World
The archive and library of Ignacio Ramírez Calzada, “El Nigromante,” is now part of the Mexican Memory of the World, registered at the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Details.


Ministerio de Cultura anuncia a los nuevos directores del Archivo Nacional y la Biblioteca Nacional
El Gobierno anunció a través de la página web del Ministerio de Cultura a la historiadora Diana Patricia Restrepo Torres y el académico y escritor Enrique Serrano López como nuevos directores de la Biblioteca Nacional y el Archivo General de la Nación, respectivamente. Detalles.

The Colombian Ministry of Culture Announced the New Directors of the National Archive and the National Library
The Colombian government, through the Ministry of Culture website, announced that the historian Diana Patricia Restrepo Torres and the scholar and writer Enrique Serrano López were appointed as the new directors of the National Library and the Nation´s General Archive, respectively. Details.

El Archivo de Los Acevedo ahora es Patrimonio Fílmico

De los 19 registros avalados por el Programa Memoria del Mundo para América Latina y el Caribe, de la UNESCO, uno es colombiano y ya forma parte de los archivos que la humanidad debe conservar para tener presente su pasado. Estos registros son del archivo de Los Acevedo y contienen registros de entre 1915 y 1955. Detalles.

The Acevedo Archive is Now Film Patrimony of the World
Of the 19 archives registered in the Memory of the World of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), one is Colombian. It is the Acevedo Archie that contains documents from 1915 to 1955. Details.


República Dominicana tendrá acceso a archivos españoles con los que podrá reconstruir tres siglos y medio de su historia
La República Dominicana tendrá acceso a documentos históricos inéditos que comprenden más de tres siglos y medio de la historia de Santo Domingo. El anuncio se produjo en Madrid, en un acto celebrado en el Salón de Actos del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, donde se dio a conocer la firma de un Memorándum de Entendimiento entre los Archivos Estatales del Reino de España y el Archivo General de la Nación de la República Dominicana. Detalles

Citizens of Dominican Republic Will Have Access to the Spanish Archives that Would Help Them Reconstruct Three Centuries of their History
The director of Fine Arts of the Dominican Republic stated that “this is a definitive step for encouraging a mutual exchange of historical documents that will reveal facts about coloial life in Santo Domingo and also immigration and exile in the island.” Details



Memory Stations: Be A Public Historian 

This year, the Academy of the Arts of the World is dedicating exhibitions and events to the discourse on memory practices and the use of history. The project promises to make the global facets of memory visible in the local through the prism of urban space. From 05.04 to 14.07.2019 one can visit the nine different “Memory Stations” in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Bochum and Essen and participate interactively under the motto “Be A Public Historian”. Details.

Memory Stations: Be A Public Historian 

Die Akademie der Künste der Welt widmet sich in diesem Jahr mit Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen dem Diskurs um Erinnerungspraktiken und der Verwendung von Geschichte. Das Projekt verspricht durch das Prisma des urbanen Raumes die globalen Facetten der Erinnerung im Lokalen sichtbar zu machen. Ab dem 05.04 bis zum 14.07.2019 kann man die neun verschieden emory Stations“ in Köln, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Bochum und Essen besuchen und interaktiv unter dem Motto „Be A Public Historian“ partizipieren. Erfahren. Nähere

“Forbidden city” tells Germany’s Complex Military History
The “Forbidden city was a complex, inaugurated in 1916. It has housed the military of German Kaiser Wilhelm II, served as the Nazis’ military command center during World War II — and then headquartered the Soviets’ military high command for East Germany during the Cold War. “This was ‘Little Moscow’ on German ground,” Borchert, who grew up in the area, said during a recent tour. There was a theater, a museum, shopping facilities, a swimming pool and many barracks for the about 40,000 soldiers who were stationed here. “It was the cultural center for the Soviet Army in Germany,” he said. The complex is now under the auspices of the state of Brandenburg, but no money has been invested and no new owner has been found. The ravages of time have taken its toll. The forbidden city got its name during Soviet times because German locals were rarely allowed in. Today’s it’s mostly off-limits for the public, though tours can be booked with Borchert’s group. Details.

Die Historie und das Digitale Die diesjährigen

Kölner Vorträge zur Neueren und Neuesten Geschichte“ des Historischen Instituts der Universität zu Köln behandeln das Thema: „Die Historie und das Digitale“. Vier Veranstaltungen dieser Reihe versprechen mit internationalen Vortragenden einen breiten Einblick zu Fragen der Nutzung, Problemen, Chancen und Zugängen bezüglich des Digitalen zu geben. Den Einstieg macht Prof. Dr. Marko Demantowsky am 29. April mit einem Vortrag unter dem Titel: „Das irisierende Potenzial der Digital History“. Nähere


“Approaches to mental health:” Observing Change in Mental Health in Ireland
That is the name of an open-access digital exhibition from the Archives of Ireland’s Houses of the Oireachtas (Parliament) charting the history of legislative reform in relation to the management of mental illness in 19th-20th century Ireland.

The exhibition uses terms that are found in the historical records. These reflect people’s attitudes and language at the time and may now be considered derogatory or offensive. The word “lunatic” was used to describe a person who was “sometimes of good and sound memory and understanding and sometimes not”, while “idiot” was used to describe “natural fools from birth”. In 1880, the term “asylum” was used in place of the old word “madhouse”, which went out of fashion during the 18th century. Details.

War of Independence documentary will tell us ‘the history we think we know, but don’t’

A major documentary project to mark the centenary of the War of Independence in early twentieth-century Ireland. Expertly written and directed by Ruán Magan, and narrated by actor Cillian Murphy, this 3-part series uses archival sources to present a very accessible story of how a small group of rebels forced Britain to withdraw from Ireland after centuries of conquest and misrule. Details.

Consultation on the future of CAIN
Help save one of #NorthernIreland’s most important #publichistory resources! CAIN, the Conflict Archive on the INternet, is a web site containing vital information and source material on ‘The Troubles’ and politics in Northern Ireland from 1968 to the present. Its existence is now under threat due to funding cuts.
Consultation on the future of CAIN has been initiated by Ulster University and you are invited to contribute your opinion on the following link up to May 2, 2019. Details


Vatican to Open Archives on Wartime Pius XII Next Year

The Holy See has been under pressure to make the Pius XII documentation available sooner and while Holocaust survivors are still alive. Declaring that the church “isn’t afraid of history,” Pope Francis said Monday he has decided to open up the Vatican archives on World War II-era Pope Pius XII, who has been criticized by Jews of staying silent on the Holocaust and not doing enough to save lives. Details.


Archive shows medieval nun faked her own death to escape convent 
Archbishop’s register reveals how Joan of Leeds crafted a dummy of her body that was buried, while she pursued ‘the way of carnal lust.’ A team of medieval historians working in the archives at the University of Yorkhas found evidence that a nun in the 14th century faked her own death and crafted a dummy “in the likeness of her body” in order to escape her convent and pursue – in the words of the archbishop of the time – “the way of carnal lust”. Details.

British nuclear archive files withdrawn without explanation 

Thousands of archive files relating to Britain’s nuclear weapons and atomic energy programmes have been withdrawn without warning from public view. A vast cache of material dating from 1939 until the 1980s and including more than 1,700 files about the creation of Britain’s first nuclear bombs at Aldermaston has been unexpectedly withdrawn by the National Archives within the last week, researchers have reported. Details.


Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference

The Memory Studies Association, MSA, is especially pleased to be able to bring the next conference to the city of Madrid, between June 25 – 28, and have this city become a partner in the growing field of memory studies.  Our colleagues, based in the research project “The Politics of Memory in Contemporary Spain”(located at the Institute of Language, Literature and Anthropology of the Spanish National Research Council (ILLA-CSIC)), have agreed to become our local organizing team for the Third Annual Conference of the Memory Studies Association. The conference will be held at the Moncloa Campus of the Complutense University of Madrid, one of Spain’s oldest and largest universities with a vibrant community. The conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Philology, which is located in the first completed building of the campus, inaugurated in 1933. The plenaries will be held at the Faculty of Medicine. Details.


Moscow Refuses to Return Bulgarian Archives 

“The archive materials…are accessible to the Bulgarian archive services and researchers, including for the originals, a part of them was returned to Bulgaria in 1949 and 1958 during the Soviet Union. Now, however, the originals cannot be Cultural Valuables Displaced [to the USSR] as a result of World War II and Located on the Territory of the Russian Federation.’ But I will repeat again, access to them is open for the Bulgarians.” Details.


Einstein manuscripts: More than 110 new documents released
Dozens of manuscripts belonging to Albert Einstein, many of them unseen in public before, have been unveiled by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Details.


How ‘Australia In Colour’ brought our nation’s past into the present 

“Colour is emotion but the colourisation done in the past could produce images that were a bit tacky and cartoonish,” says Australia In Colourco-writer/co-director, Alec Morgan. “The quality of this work adds energy and vibrancy and gives it an emotional connection that you don’t get with black and white footage. I jumped at the opportunity to enrich history with colour and also to work with good people who wanted to add to and balance history with stories that have got lost, stories that are about migrants and Indigenous people and women.” Details.

History Week 2019 

The History Council of NSW is pleased to announce that registration has opened for History Week2019 events! The theme for History Week 2019 is ‘Memory and Landscapes’ and will explore our relationship to landscapes through the ways that we remember and continue to interact with them. Event registrations close 5pm Friday 14th June 2019. The event will take place between August 31stand September 8thDetails.

Contribute to a Family History Research Project
Share your stories about the experiences of Australian mothers from 1920 to 2000. The Director of the Centre for Applied History at Macquarie University, Associate Professor Tanya Evans, is seeking stories about ‘ordinary’ Australian mothers. Do you have a memory or history that you would like to share? Then contribute to her collaborative project on the history of motherhood in Australia from 1920-2000. Can you help her explore how the experiences of ‘ordinary’ Australian mothers have changed over time? Do you have family histories, diaries, memoirs, family Bibles, scrapbooks, photographs, clothes, motherhood manuals, parenting advice books kept by your families that you would like to share with her and add to our collective knowledge of mothering in Australia? If you are willing to contribute to this project by sharing copies of materials or your family’s memories of mothering in Australia, please contact Tanya Evans.



Public History in Japan
The first academic conference of Public History specialized in Japanese modern history, museums, and exhibitions took place the 13thof MarchDr. Mamiko Ito, specialize in Japanese modern history/ museum/ exhibitions. Approximately 70 people attended. The second conference will be held on July 2nd, 2019. Details.


History Literary Week
From March 28-31, 2019, an event intended to bring along historical awareness to the public was held in Indonesia. It focused on one day seminar on “historical literacy”, book review on Diponegoro the Javanese prince who opposed the Dutch colonial rule by Prof Peter Carey and Exhibitions of many aspects of Indonesian history for public. Details.


Building “The Inclusive Historian’s Handbook”: A working group
For the past three years, a group of dedicated authors, editors, and advisory committee members have been working to create The Inclusive Historian’s Handbook, a new digital resource co-sponsored by NCPH and the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH). Details

Book: Protestant and Irish: the Minority’s Search for Place in Independent Ireland 
Published by Cork University Press (Twitter: @corkUP)

Through the lives and work, rest and play of Protestant participants in the new Ireland – sportsmen, academics, students, working-class Protestants, revolutionaries, rural women, landlords, clerics – this collection of essays, edited by Ian d’Alton and Ida Milne, offer refreshing interpretations as to what it meant to be Protestant and Irish in the changed political dispensation after Irish independence in 1922. Ian d’Alton is a Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Contemporary Irish History, Trinity College, Dublin. Ida Milne is a lecturer in European History, Carlow College. (Twitter: @milnem). Details.

NB the italicised “and” in the publication title is deliberate and should be replicated in the newsletter announcement

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Thomas Cauvin (April 23, 2019). Public History Explorers: Newsletter Issue, April 2019. IFPH-FIHP. Retrieved December 4, 2024 from

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