Newsletter from the Public History Explorers (May 2019)
Explorers for this Issue: Phemelo Hellemann, Andrea Oldani, Kresno Brahmantyo, Gabrielle Kemmis, Marcus Golding, Amanda Maunoury, Antonio Chiaese, Jimena Perry
El Salvador
Want to know how everyday life was in El Salvador at the beginning of the twentieth century? Check out these old pictures.
Las fotografías históricas que muestran la cotidianidad de El Salvador
La Librería del Congreso (Library of Congress) en Washington, D.C. tiene una División de Impresiones y Fotografías que guarda millones de imágenes de alrededor del mundo. Entre ellas hay varias de El Salvador que son joyas por su antigüedad y porque muestran escenas de la vida cotidiana que no son comunes en archivos fotográficos nacionales. Detalles.
Historical Pictures Show Everyday Life in El Salvador
The Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. has a special photographic division which has millions of images from all over the world. Among them, there are several from El Salvador that are unique due to their antiquity and their images of everyday life. Details.
After Leichhardt Went Missing
Ludwig Leichhardt’s memory has endured in Australia and Germany since he went missing in 1848. Hear Assoc. Prof. Andrew Hurley (UTS) talk about the life and afterlife of explorer Ludwig Leichhardt and discover why the story of his life and disappearance has been told and retold in Germany and Australia for over 160 years. Details.
Marriage: Love and Law
The exhibition, Marriage: Love and Law has recently opened at Penrith Regional Gallery in NSW, Australia. Learn about the history of marriage in Australia through the stories of the people, places and events showcased in the exhibition. Marriage: Love and Law will be open daily until June 16. You can also look at the exhibition material online. Details.
The Elephant Cave Temple is one of the oldest temples on the island of Bali and considered as the most phenomenal design as well as its historical value for Bali Heritage. Because of its uniqueness, UNESCO included Goa Gajah or the Elephant Cave Temple as one of the tentative lists of world heritage sites that must be protected. Details.
South Africa
Trails, Traditions, Trajectories: Rethinking Perspectives on Southern African Histories
From the 24thto the 26thof June, the Department of History of Rhodes University, Grahamstown will host the 27thBiennal Conference of the Southern African Historical Society, SAHS. This event happens at a moment when university students in South Africa have made demands for curriculum transformation to reposition Africa in the global knowledge community. Moreover, with the passing of the first generation of post-independence nationalist leaders, historians are faced with the challenge of understanding the postcolonial moment. At this juncture, scholars have an opportunity to re-envision the future of southern Africa’s past. Details.
Seminario di Public History
L’Università degli Studi di Pisa ha organizzato tra febbraio e marzo una serie di seminari per dibattere di Public History. Sono stati affrontati i seguenti temi: come si può insegnare PH nelle università italiane e il rapporto tra PH e didattica della storia, musei della Resistenza e musei e archivi d’impresa, i 150 anni dell’Unità d’Italia narrare il Risorgimento e il revival neoborbonico, Medioevo e Public History e infine “gamefication”: si può imparare giocando con la storia. Dettagli.
Public History Seminar
The University of Pisa organised a series of conferences between February and March 2019 to debate about Public History. The topics were: Teaching PH in Italian Universities (bachelor and master degree), museums of “Resistenza” and business’ archives and museums, 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy, Risorgimento and neoborbonism, Middle Ages and Public History and finally gamification (playing games can help us to teach history?) Details.
Echi resistenti
Il 28 aprile l’Associazione PopHistory, nata nel contesto del Master di II livello in Public History presso UniMoRe, ha organizzato un urban game in centro a Modena in occasione della Festa della Liberazione del 25 aprile. I partecipanti al gioco avevano un’ora e mezza per aiutare i partigiani a ritrovare Irma, una staffetta partigiana che recava con sé ordini importanti. Ogni team avrebbe attraversato il centro città di Modena passando per i luoghi simbolo della Resistenza e della lotta al regime nazifascita. Dettagli.
Resistant Echoes
On April 28th the Association PopHistory, founded in Modena during the II Level Master in Public History, has organised a urban game to celebrate the anniversary of Festa della Liberazione occurred on the 25th of April. The participants had one hour and half to help the partisans to find Irma, a female dispatch rider that was carrying with her important orders. Every team would have gone through Modena’s city center and see the symbolic places of the fight against the Nazi and fascist regime. Details.
L’appello: la storia è un bene comune, salviamolaIl 25 aprile 2019, Anniversario della Liberazione, sul giornale La Repubblica è stato pubblicato un articolo che invitava a considerare la storia come un bene comune. L’articolo è stato firmato da Liliana Segre, senatrice a vita ed ex deportata ad Auschwitz, Andrea Camilleri, scrittore e autore famoso per i romanzi del Commissario Montalbano, e Andrea Giardina, professore di Storia Antica. I tre autori invitavano ad aumentare le ore di storia nelle scuole italiane, a reinserire il tema storico nella prova scritta dell’esame d maturità, a favorire l’accesso dei giovani studiosi alla carriera universitaria e a prendere provvedimenti in favore di archivi e biblioteche da tempo in difficoltà. Dettagli.
History is a Common Good, Let's Save It
An article was published by the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica” on the 25th of April, Anniversary of Liberation. It was about considering history as a common good for every society. The article was written by Liliana Segre, senator of the Italian Parliament and survivor of Auschwitz, Andrea Camilleri, writer and author of “Commissario Montalbano”, and Andrea Giardina, professor of Classical History at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. The three authors invited the Italian government to increase the teaching of history in Italian Schools, to help young Phd’s Candidates during their researches and careers and help public libraries and archives. Details.
Archivio dell´Opera Pizzigoni
Sabato 18 maggio è stato presentato a Milano “L’archivio ritrovato: le carte del metodo Pizzigoni” contente le carte di Giuseppina Pizzigoni, pedagogista italiana che creò un metodo didattico nella prima metà del Novecento. Dopo due anni di lavoro di inventariazione e schedataura realizzato dalla cooperativa milanese CAeB, con il sostegno della Regione Lombardia, Università Milano-Bicocca e Soprintendenza Archivistica della Lombardia, è stato restituito alla città e al quartiere 8 Ghisolfa un pezzo importante per il passato e il presente della comunità. Inoltre, sono stati tenuti dei laboratori con gli studenti l’Istituto Comprensivo Rinnovata Pizzigoni che hanno visitato l’archivio e depositato le loro testimonianze. Detaggli.
Archive dell´Opera Pizzigoni “The rediscovered archive: the documents of Pizzigoni’s Method” was presented to the public in Milan. Giuseppina Pizzigoni was an Italian pedagogist who invented a new way to teach pupils in the early XX century. After two years of work, done by milanese cooperative CAeB with the support of the local institutions, the 8th neighbourhood received back an important piece of its past and present. Furthermore the kids of the public school “Istituto Comprensivo Rinnovata Pizzigoni” were involved in activities and laboratories. Details.
Mémoire et Commémoration Officielle du Génocide Arménien
Mémoire et commémoration officielle: La 1ère journée nationale de commémoration du génocide arménien de 1915 est déclarée en France, le 24 avril 2019. A cette occasion, la maire de Paris, Anne Hidalgo, a invité dans l’Hôtel de Ville des membres de la communauté arménienne vivant à Paris. Cette journée nationale a été voulue par le président Emmanuel Macron au nom du devoir de mémoire. Détails.
Memory and Official Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide
Parisian mayor Anne Hidalgo invited hundreds of French people with Armenian ancestry a ceremony at the town hall as France held its first official commemoration of the Armenian genocide this year. Details.
On a fait regarder l’émission de Stéphane Bern et Lorànt Deutsch sur la Révolution française à une historienne
Histoire et défauts de mémoire: Quand des vedettes de télévision politiquement orientées s’imposent comme référents du discours historique dominant. France 2, chaîne publique, a diffusé le jeudi 2 moi au soir un documentaire sur la révolution française animé par les deux coqueluches de l’histoire médiatisée, Lorànt Deutsch et Stéphane Bern. Leurs positions royalistes ouvertement assumées ne vont pas sans biaiser le regard porté sur ce sujet de mémoire toujours très sensible, car permettant d’orienter les débats actuels. C’est ainsi que dans un contexte de contestation sociale inédit en France, le monde universitaire et une partie du monde politique s’hérissent de cet assaut idéologique sur un événement fondateur de la République française. Détails.
Has history been reduced to entertainment? Stéphane Bern and Lorant Deutsch on the French Revolution
Controversy was ignited this month as media personalities Stéphane Bern and Lorant Deutsch presented a documentary about the French Revolution on the public TV channel France 2. The fact that Bern and Deutsch, who are known to have royalist views and are not trained historians, were chosen for this project raises questions about who should be allowed to present history to the public using which type of historical narrative. Has history been reduced to entertainment? Details.
Kontraversiškas “Generolo Vėtros” Jono Noreikos įspaudas Lietuvos istorijoje.
Kovo 27 dieną Vilniaus apygardos administracinis teismas atmetė užklausą, kurią buvo pateikęs Grant Gochin – žydiškų šaknų PAR pilietis, gyvenantis JAV, prieš Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras dėl Jono Noreikos, vieno iš antisovietinio pasipriešinimo herojų. Gochin pareiškime Noreika kaltinamas dėl beveik 100 jo artimųjų mirties 1941 m. rugpjūčio mėn. litvakų (Lietuvos žydų) masinio naikinimo metu ir prašoma pašalinti Noreikai atminimo paminklų, tokių kaip memorialinės lentos.
Teismo sprendimu buvo remiamasi Genocido centro pateiktais duomenimis, kad Noreika nėra susijęs su žydų žudynėmis.
Po teismo nuosprendžio, Genocido centras pareiškė kad Lietuvoje veikė kitoks nacių okupacinis režimas, nei kitose Europos šalyse“. Defending History – asociacija, ginanti Lietuvos žydų istoriją, kartu su valstybės išlaikoma Tarptautine komisija nacių ir sovietinio okupacinių režimų nusikaltimams Lietuvoje įvertinti pasmerkė Genocido centro pareiškimą. Šis atvejis sulaukė skirtingų reakcijų Lietuvoje ir užsienyje, iš kurių svarbu išskirti AtmintisMemory“, internetinės bendruomenės, skirtos skatinti viešąją istoriją Lietuvoje, gimimas (žiūrėti čia Kaip pokalbiu atsisakyti paminklinių vaizdinių 1941 m. lietuvių tautos valios reiškėjams nusikaltusiems žmonijai“ Andriaus Kulikausko – vieno iš jos steigėjų ir animatorių, kalbą). Balandžio 8 d. žymi neįtikėtiną įvykių posukį, kai socialiniame tinkle Facebook pasirodo video, liudijantis kaip pačiame vilniaus centre esanti Jono Noreikos memorialinė lenta buvo sudaužyta lietuvių teisininko ir aktyvisto Stanislavo Tomo. Neilgai trukus ji buvo sutaisyta ir grąžinta į vietą. Išsami informacija.
Jonas Noreika aka “General Storm”: a controversial legacy on Lithuanian history.
On March 27th, the Vilnius Administrative Court dismissed the query presented by Grant Gochin, US-based South African citizen of Jewish ancestry, against the Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Center’s glorification of Jonas Noreika, one of the heroes of the national anti-Soviet resistance. Gochin’s query charged Noreika with the culpability for the death of nearly 100 of his relatives during the mass destruction of the Litvak (Lithuanian Jewish) community in August 1941, and asked for the removal of honours, like street plaques, granted to Noreika. In its ruling, the court accepted the Genocide Center’s stance on Noreika’s non-involvement in the murder of the Jews.
In the aftermath of the verdict, the Genocide Center published a statement declaring, as chief point, that “The Nazi Occupational Regime in Lithuania Operated Differently than in Other European Countries”. Vehemently condemned by Defending History, the public history thinktank of Lithuanian Jewry, the Genocide Centre’s stance was also rejected by the State-sponsored Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania, body of historians responsible for shading light on the events of WW2.
Among the several reactions in Lithuania and abroad, it’s important to highlight the birth of AtmintisMemory, an online community devoted to promote public history in Lithuania; and in the most sensational turn of the events, on April 8th, the destruction livestreamed on Facebook of a plaque honouring Jonas Noreika in the centre of Vilnius by the Lithuanian lawyer and activist Stanislavas Tomas. [The plaque, in the meantime, has been restored and put in its place again. Details.
Archivos secretos muestran que Estados Unidos ayudó al ejército argentino a librar una "guerra sucia" que mató a 30,000
Los libros de historia tal vez no cuenten la historia completa de la dictadura que aterrorizó a Argentina desde 1976 hasta 1984. Sin embargo, nuevos archivos militares desclasificados del ejército estadounidense, recientemente enviados al país suramericano, proveen nuevos detalles sobre la Junta Militar. Estos archivos fueron el cuarto y ultimo envoi de un total de 43.000 documentos entre los que hay telegramas, reports militares y memos. Esta entrega fue posible gracias a un acuerdo entre el Presidente argentino Mauricio Macri y el expresidente de Estados Unidos Barack Obama. Detalles.
Secret archives show U.S. helped Argentine military wage ‘dirty war’ that killed 30,000
History books may never tell the full story of the dictatorship that terrorized Argentina from 1976 to 1984. But newly declassified U.S. military and intelligence documents recently delivered to Argentina offer new details about the country’s brutal military junta. The archival documents were the fourth and final batch of 43,000 declassified U.S. telegrams, military records, intelligence and confidential memos given to Argentina following an extraordinary 2016 agreement between Argentine President Mauricio Macri and former U.S. President Barack Obama. Details.
Historia argentina en la historia universal
Unesco incorporó al acervo mundial archivos como el del Juicio de las Juntas y las instrucciones que recibió Mariano Moreno, politico que jugó un papel decisive en la Primera Junta, el primer gobierno nacional de Argentina, creado después de la Revolución de Mayo.Detalles.
Argentinian History going Universal
Unesco incorporated to its world heritage collection Argentinian archive such as the judgement of the Juntas and the instructions received by Mariano Moreno, politician who played a decisive role in the Primera Junta, the first national government of Argentina, created after the May Revolution. Details
El Museo Nacional de Brasil: “Pequeñas sorpresas” rescatadas de las cenizas
Muchos brasileños lloraron cuando su Museo Nacional de 200 años de antiguedad fue destruido por el fuego en septiembre pasado. Más de 20 millones de objetos, muchos de ellos irremplazables, fueron dados por perdidos. Sin embargo, ocho meses después, el equipo de trabajo del museo ha rescatado más piezas de las esperaban y tienen la esperanza de que su museo pueda volver a funcionar pronto. Detalles.
Brazil National Museum: “Little surprises” salvaged from the ashes
Many Brazilians wept after their 200-year-old National Museum was destroyed in a devastating fire last September. Twenty million objects, many of them irreplaceable, were thought to have been lost. But eight months later, staff have salvaged more treasures than they expected, and there are hopes that one of the great museums of the world can be brought back to life. Details.
La Biblioteca de las Artes abre el archivo histórico al público
La Universidad de las Artes (UArtes) emprendió un proyecto de digitalización de los ejemplares del periódico El Telégrafo. Hasta ahora se han digitalizado los ejemplares desde su fundación en 1884 hasta 1901. Los documentos digitalizados pueden consultarse en los computadores de la biblioteca de la universidad. Detalles.
The Art Library Opens its Archive to the Public
The University of Arts started a digitalization project of the newspaper El Telégrafo. So far the issues between 1884 and 1901 have been digitized and are avalaible for consultation through the university computers. Details.
Otra forma de contar la historia a los chicos
Un total de 43 niñas entre los nueve y los diez años que cursan quinto de primaria en la Institución Educativa Jesús María El Rosal, colegio del barrio Castilla, en la comuna 5, de Medellín, han aprendido sobre derechos humanos y memoria gracias a las actividades desarrolladas por la Casa Museo de la Memoria. Detalles.
Other Ways of Telling History to Kids
More tan 43 girls between nine and ten years old, who are in fifth grade in the public school Institución Educativa Jesús María El Rosal, in the city of Medellín, have learned about human rights and memory thanks to the activities promoted by the Casa Museo de la Memoria. Details.
Museo Antropológico de Tarapacá en la ciudad portuaria de Iquique, Chile
En la ciudad de portuaria de Iquique en el extremo norte de Chile se construirá un nuevo edificio para el Museo Antropológico de Tarapacá. El nuevo museo estará dedicado a la historia prehispánica de la cultura del desierto de Atacama, que se remonta a 6.000 años, la historia colonial hasta el auge y el declive de la minería de nitratos, hasta hoy. Detalles.
Anthropological Museum in Tarapacá, Port City in Iquique, Chile
In the port city of Iquique, north of Chile, the Anthropological Museum of Tarapacá will have a new building. The innovative construction will be devoted to the prehispanic history of the culture of the Atacama Desert, which goes back to 6,000 years, the colonial period, and its mining history. Details.
El genocidio en Guatemala pone cara a la memoria histórica en el festival EDOC
Una trilogía en formato documental sobre el genocidio en Guatemala durante la guerra civil (1974-1996) fue proyectado este mes en el Festival Internacional de Cine Documental “Encuentros del Otro Cine” en Quito, Ecuador. La iniciativa busca construir memoria histórica sobre las atrocidades cometidas por la dictadura guatemalteca contra la población Maya y la ciudadanía en general. Entérate sobre más al respecto Detalles.
Historical Memory Confronts Genocide in Guatemala at the EDOC Festival
Skylight Productions screened a trilogy of documentaries on the Guatemalan genocide during the civil war (1974-1996) in Quito, Ecuador. This initiative seeks to build historic memory about the atrocities of the military dictatorship against the Mayan population. Details.
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Thomas Cauvin (May 29, 2019). Newsletter from the Public History Explorers (May 2019). IFPH-FIHP. Retrieved September 16, 2024 from