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Newsletter from the public history explorers: June 2019

Explorers for this Issue: Andrea Oldani, Juan Camilo Murcia Galindo, Marcus Golding, Gabrielle Kemmis, Amanda Maunoury, Jimena Perry

This month we are featuring Mexico´s Historical Memory and its Memorials of the “Dirty War.” You cannot miss this!

A visitor looks at an exhibit during the inauguration of a memorial to victims of Mexico’s “dirty war” at the former Federal Security headquarters where student protesters were taken in 1971 following a violent crackdown in Mexico City.

The first in a series of memorials to victims of Mexico’s “dirty war” against dissidents and guerrillas during nearly 20 years of violence was opened in June. Authorities unveiled the initial memorial at the former Federal Security agency’s headquarters in Mexico City where student protesters were taken in 1971 following a violent crackdown in the streets. The memorial will include declassified documents and other material from the national archives. Click here.


Criminal Characters

The Australian Centre for Public History’s Chancellor’s Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Dr Alana Piper, is running a survey on public interest and attitudes towards crime history. Any participation in the survey or promotion of it to members’ organizations, email lists and students would be much appreciated! The anonymous online survey is here and only takes 5-10 mins to complete. Details.

Call for Papers: ANU Humanities Research Centre Annual Conference, 5-6 Dec. 2019

Conference organizers invite proposals for papers and panels that will respond in diverse and interdisciplinary ways to the idea of crisis: social, environmental, institutional and otherwise. The full CFP and more info about the conference is Details.


Emmanuel Laurentin arrête “La fabrique de l’histoire”… et c’est une page qui se tourne sur France Culture
Un monument de la divulgation historique à la radio en France, « La Fabrique de l’Histoire », va s’achever prochainement. Diffusée depuis 1999 sur France Culture, l’émission sera remplacée par un nouveau programme historique (dont les contours ne sont pas encore précisés) à la rentrée 2019. Détails

Ending the “The Fabric of History”

“La Fabrique de l’Histoire”, one of France’s most well-known radio shows about history, will come to an end this year after a twenty-year run on the public radio station France Culture. Details

Nous Autres: l’histoire publique selon Annick Peters-Custot

Ce mois-ci a eu lieu à Nantes le festival d’histoire « Nous Autres ». Dans cette entrevue, l’historienne et co-animatrice du festival Annick Peters-Custot revient sur la place de l’historien universitaire dans la société française et les moyens de « faire de l’histoire autrement ». Détails 

History Festival in Nantes

This month, the history festival “Nous Autres” took place in Nantes; in this interview, the historian and festival participant Annick Peters-Custot reflects on the role of history professors in France, along with different approaches to sharing history with the public. 


InVito alla Storia. Terza Conferenza AIPH, Santa Maria Capua Vetere e Caserta

Dal 24 al 28 giugno 2019 si terrà la terza conferenza nazionale dell’AIPH (Associazione Italiana di Public History) presso l’Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli a Santa Maria di Capua Vetere. Sarà l’occasione per confrontarsi su pratiche, esperienze e metodologie di Public History e valutare la crescita del movimento in Italia Nel link la descrizione con il programma. Detaggli.

The third conference of Italian Public History Association

Università degli Studi della Campania will host in Santa Maria di Capua Vetere the third national conference of AIPH (Italian Association of Public History). It will be the occasion to discuss about methodology, practices and experiences. Moreover, the participants will evaluate the growth done so far by the Italian Public History’s movement. Details.

Gordon Lett e la Missione Alleata nel Territorio Spezzino

L’Istituto Storico Spezzino per la Storia della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea ha organizzato il 5 giugno la presentazione di un progetto di digitalizzazione di documenti relativi al maggiore inglese Gordon Lett e al battaglione internazionale. Il progetto si è avvalso della collaborazione dell’Università di Lincoln e dell’International Bomber Center Command Digital Archive per la parte tecnica del database d’archivio e gestione del materiale documentale. Detaggli.

A digital archive for Gordon Lett, an English Officer and a fighter for Italian Freedom in WW2

L’Istituto Storico Spezzino per la Storia della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea presented to the public a project about the digitalization of some documents belonging to the English major Gordon Lett, who founded the “International Batallion” during the Liberation of Italy. The project was supported by the University of Lincoln and the International Bomber Center Command Digital Archive. The event took place in La Spezia on the 5th of June. Details.

Messina e il Risorgimento, “una piazza per la public history”: l’iniziativa dei ragazzi della Lelat
A Messina un gruppo docenti di storia dell’Università ha avviato l’iniziativa “Costruire storie. Una piazza per la public history” per discutere assieme al pubblico delle vicende rivoluzionarie della città siciliana dal XVII secolo al Risorgimento. E’ possibile seguire l’iniziativa su Facebook, ma è ancora un work in progress. I risultati dei primi incontri verranno presentati alla 3 Conferenza dell’AIPH a Santa Maria di Capua Vetere a fine giugno. Dettagli.

A public square for Public History in Messina, Sicily

A group of professors of the University of Messina has recently started a new initiative called “Costruire storie. Una piazza per la public history”. The aim is to discuss and interact with the people about the riots tha took place in the sicilian town from the XVII to the XIX century. It’s still a work in progress initiative and the comitee will discuss about it during the 3rd National Congress of AIPH at the end of June. Details.

Rievocazione storica: la battaglia di Taranto tra Normanni e Bizantini dell’XI secolo

Dal 15 al 16 giugno vicino a Taranto si è tenuta la dodicesima edizione della Battaglia dell’XI secolo tra Normanni e Bizantini”. All’evento, patrocinato dal Comune di Taranto, dall’Università di Foggia e dalla regione Puglia, ha visto coinvolti molti gruppi di rievocatori locali e internazionali. Per l’occasione sono stati allestiti due accampamenti e un campo di battaglia. Detaggli.

Historical reenactment: the battle of Taranto between Byzantine and Normans’ armies (XI century)

The twelfth edition of “The Battle of the XI century between Normans and Byzantines” took place from the 15th to the 16th of June near Taranto (Puglia). The historical reenactment was supported by the town of Taranto, University of Foggia and Regione Puglia. A lot of reenactment’s groups came from all over Italy as well as form Hungary and Bulgaria and build two military camps and the set up for the battlefield. Details.

Latin America

From the archives: Latin America and the apple of discord

Forty years ago, the American Enterprise Institute began a broad-gauged program of Latin American Studies to explore areas of convergence and conflict. In 1984, Mark Falcoff contributed a chapter to one of the program’s early publications Rift and Revolution: The Central American Imbroglio. Falcoff’s chapter, titled “The Apple of Discord: Central America in US Domestic Politics” showed how events in the region had important linkages to the US politics. Details.


Firman acuerdo para preservar la memoria histórica del Senado mexicano

El Senado de México firmó un acuerdo para preservar la memoria histórica de dicha institución. Martí Batres, senador y miembro de la mesa directiva del Senado, explicó que el objetivo es diseminar y fomentar la memoria. Este acuerdo con la Coordinación de la Memoria Histórica del gobierno de la República busca establecer redes con otras instituciones que poseen valiosos archivos de la nación. Detalles.

Mexican Senate Signed and Agreement to Preserve its Historical Memory

The Mexican Senate signed an agreement to preserve its historical memory. Marti Batres, member of the board of the Senate, explained the goal of the initiative is to disseminate and strengthen historical memory. This initiative, co-sponsored with the Historical Memory Coordinating Office of the Federal Government, seeks to establish networks with other government institutions that hold valuable archival holdings. Details.


A Letter’s Discovery Helps Reopen Scars in Argentina
As Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Argentina’s controversial former president, undergoes trial over a slew of corruption charges, perhaps the most surprising accusation leveled against her has ties to an unlikely figure: Russian President Vladimir Putin. Prosecutors say Kirchner allegedly possessed a stolen and historically important letter from one of the greatest heroes of Latin America’s independence from Spain. Police discovered the letter, written in 1835, from the Argentine General José de San Martin to Bernardo O’Higgins, considered the founding father of Chile, during a raid on Kirchner’s Patagonian home in a separate corruption case. Details.


Bicentenario. 200 años de lo que somos

Para conmemorar el bicentenario de las guerras de independencia de la República de Colombia (actualmente Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador y Panamá), cerca de 40 estudiantes, profesores y egresados de Historia de las universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad de los Andes y la Universidad del Rosario ha creado un especial virtual en conjunto con El Tiempo, uno de los periódicos de más amplia difusión en Colombia. Detalles.

Bicentennial. 200 Years of What We Are

To commemorate the bicentennial of the independence wars of the Colombian Republic (currently Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panamá), 40 students, professors, and former alumni of History from the National University of Colombia, University of Los Andes, and University of El Rosario created a special virtual issue to be published in El Tiempo newspaper. Details.


Gobierno cubano prioriza la preservación de la memoria histórica

El presidente de Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez subrayó el pasado 20 de junio la importancia concedida a la preservación de la memoria histórica dentro del presupuesto de la isla. Aseveró que dicha política es respaldada por Raúl Castro, General del Ejército, quien demostró preocupación por el deterioro del patrimonio de la nación. Entre las medidas adoptadas por el Archivo Nacional de la República de Cuba se destacan garantía de atención médica para los trabajadores en los archivos, producción nacional de los muebles para la preservación del patrimonio, y actualización de tarifas de servicios archivísticos especializados. Detalles.

Cuban Government Committed to Preserve their Historical Memory

The president of Cuba underlined the priority within the state’s budget for the preservation of the historical memory in the island. This policy is backed by Raul Castro, who showed concern for the deterioration of the country’s cultural heritage. Among the measures to redress this problem The National Archive of Cuba plans to guarantee health care for the staff working in the archives, domestic production of furniture for the installations that preserve cultural heritage, and fee updates for specialized archival services. Details

El Salvado

Nayib Bukele encara la memoria histórica de El Salvador

Coffins with victims of the El Mozote Massacre, 2016.

El nuevo presidente del El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, ordenó retirar de un cuartel el nombre del teniente Domingo Monterrosa, quien, de acuerdo a la Comisión de Verdad de las Naciones Unidas, fue el principal responsable de la Masacre de El Mozote (Diciembre de 1981). La orden fue acatada al día siguiente en el cuartel. Grupos de derechos humanos catalogan esta acción como un primer paso para reivindicar a las víctimas de dicha atrocidad, fortalecer la memoria histórica del país, y desafiar a los partidos políticos dominantes y antiguos enemigos (ARENA y FMLN) quienes buscan promulgar una nueva ley de amnistía para los involucrados en la guerra civil (1980-1992). Detalles.

Nayib Bukele Faces El Salvador´s Historical Memory

The new president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, ordered the removal of the name “Lieutenant Domingo Monterrosa” from the installations of the Third Brigade of Infantry. Monterrosa was one of the main perpetrators of the Massacre of El Mozote (December 1981) during the civil war (1980-1992). The military complied with the other the next day. Human Rights groups hailed this action as an important step to redress the grievances of the victims, strengthen historical memory, and challenge former enemies and now allied parties, ARENA and the FMLN, which are trying to push through Congress a new Amnesty Law for atrocities in the war. Details

Coffins with victims of the El Mozote Massacre, 2016


II Congreso “Hacer historia: la investigación histórica en el Uruguay”

Historiadores de Uruguay se reunieron del 20 al 22 de junio en el Segundo Congreso “Hacer historia: la investigación histórica en el Uruguay” para explorar temas relacionados a la renovación historiográfica en el campo, y la creciente intersección interdisciplinaria de la historia con otros campos en el análisis histórico. Este Segundo Congreso precede al Primero organizado por la Asociación Uruguaya de Historiadores, creada en 2015. Detalles.

II Congress “Making History: Historical Research in Uruguay”

Scholars from the Uruguayan Association of Historians (2015) met at the Second Congress ¨Make history: historical research in Uruguay¨ held in Montevideo between June 20 and 22. The Congress debated issues of historiographic renovation in the field, and the growing interdisciplinary intersection between history and other fields in the historical analysis. Details

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Thomas Cauvin (July 5, 2019). Newsletter from the public history explorers: June 2019. IFPH-FIHP. Retrieved February 9, 2025 from

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