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Joanna Wojdon elected IFPH Steering Committee Delegate (2022-2026)

We are very pleased to announce that Joanna Wojdon has been elected and ratified as Delegate to our Steering Committee (2022-2026). You can learn more about Joanna, her work, and research interests here: 

Joanna Wojdon, PhD, professor of history at the University of Wrocław, Poland, editor of Historia w przestrzeni publicznej  [Public History] – the first academic book devoted to public history in the Polish language (PWN, 2018), Public History in Poland (Routledge, 2021) and together with Dorota Wiśniewska, Public in Public History (Routledge, 2021) and History in Public Space (Routledge, forthcoming). I have developed the first MA program in public history in Poland in 2014 and since 2018, together with Dorota Wiśniewska, organized five editions of Public History Summer School under auspices of IFPH. Since January 2022 I am a member of the editorial board of The Public Historian (published by NCPH).

Besides public history, I am also interested in the history of the Polish diaspora in the United States (White and Red Umbrella. The Polish American Congress in the Cold War Era, Helena History Press, 2015 was awarded Oskar Halecki Prize from the Polish American Historical Association) and in history didactics/ history education. I have published on the political uses of education under communism, in particular by the means of school textbooks (Textbooks as Propaganda, Routledge, 2018), with special focus on the reading primers (Communist Propaganda at School. The World of the Reading Primers of the Soviet bloc. 1949-1989, Routledge, 2021). I am a board member of the International Society for History Didactics (ISHD) and a managing editor of its scholarly journal; a member of presidium of the Committee on Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Science; and a member of the Committee of Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Science where I am presiding over the Commission for Public History.  

I have been engaged in various activities of the International Federation for Public History for many years and from 2019 I am a member of its Steering Committee. In this capacity I am responsible, among others, for the IFPH’s Members Newsletter. I served in the program committee of the last IFPH congress in Berlin and as an IFPH delegate to the program committee of the NCPH conferences in 2021 and 2023.

Since 2018 together with Dorota Wiśniewska we have organized five editions of Public History Summer School under auspices of IFPH. The school brings together public history scholars and practitioners of all ages from all over the world. In the time of pandemic it went on-line and in 2022 came back in a hybrid form. Participants’ presentations (selected on highly competitive basis) are accompanied with workshops, round tables, and on-site visits. In 2022 it was preceded by a PhD seminar, and in 2023 will be probably accompanied with the first on-site meeting of the European Network of Public History Master Programs, initiated by Thomas Cauvin, former president of IFPH.  

As a Delegate in the Steering Committee of the IFPH I would like to focus on public history in East-Central and Eastern Europe (Polish is my mother tongue and I speak fluent Russian), to continue developing the Summer School, and to encourage and stimulate a dialogue between public historians and history teachers and researchers of history didactics. I will be happy to use my contacts in other organizations and societies, such as Euroclio, Polish American Historical Association, ISHD.  

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daviddean (November 9, 2022). Joanna Wojdon elected IFPH Steering Committee Delegate (2022-2026). IFPH-FIHP. Retrieved February 9, 2025 from

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