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Author: Serge Noiret

IFPH Steering Committee Election Results


The Steering Committee of the IFPH is pleased to announce, that subsequent to the recent election, Dr. Thomas Cauvin, Assistant Professor of History and Public History at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (USA), has been elected to the Steering Committee effective January 1st, 2015.

International Federation for Public History Logo

Nominations for At Large Delegate on IFPH Steering Committee

Are you wondering how best to contribute to the growing international Public History community? Do you think you should be become directly involved in the direction of the IFPH? Do you know someone with fresh ideas to advance Public History? Then the time is right for you to step forward or encourage someone to do so!

October 2014 Amsterdam Conference: Public History in a Digital World – The Revolution Reconsidered

poster conference amsterdam

#IFPH2014 UvA Website

The inaugural annual conference of the International Federation for Public History will be held at the University of Amsterdam from the 23rd of October to the 25th of October 2014. This international conference organized by the IFPH-FIHP, the Amsterdam Center for Cultural Heritage and Identity, the Amsterdam School for Culture and History and the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, will bring together experts, novices, and experimenters from all over the world to share insights, questions, and practices concerning the impact of the digital world on the theory and practice of Public History.

NCPH 2015 Call for Proposals: One Week Left to Submit (Deadline 7/15)


Public history is collaborative. Whether it’s nearby colleagues, public history practitioners working in distant countries, or those who come to the field from other disciplines and professions, NCPH provides connective tissue to link you to a vibrant community of practice.  Plus, this year’s theme is really good.

International Federation for Public History


Launched in 2009 as a NCPH Task Force for an International Public History, in 2010 the Task Force became an internal commission of the International Committee for Historical Sciences (or CISH, Comité International des Sciences Historiques) with the generous support of the National Council on Public History.

Thank you SSHRC – Merci au CRSHC

The International Federation for Public History gratefully acknowledges the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for its support of the first IFPH annual...