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Category: Public History

The Canadian Historical Association Speaks Out about Poland’s New History Law, a comment by David Dean

On December 6, 2016 the Canadian Historical Association (CHA) wrote an open letter to the Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo urging the Polish government to reconsider the passage of legislation that would punish anyone who refers to “Polish death camps” or “Polish concentration camps.”[1] The proposed legislation is designed to protect “the good name” of Poland.[2] The CHA fears that the new law will encourage attacks on academic freedom and stifle research and debate….

CFP for the 4th Annual Conference of the International Federation for Public History, Ravenna, Italy, 5-9 June 2017 – New Deadline December 15, 2016

From 5th to 9th June 2016, the fourth international annual conference of the International Federation on Public History (IFPH) will be held at the University of Bologna, Cultural Heritage Department (Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali) located on the Campus of the city of Ravenna.

“L’histoire fait-elle vendre ?” Conference organised by the Master in “Histoire Publique”, Paris-Est Créteil, November 18-19, 2016

L’histoire publique, la Public History, a à voir avec des pratiques de l’histoire qui dépassent les cercles académiques. Si ces pratiques répondent à une demande forte des publics pour des récits historiques accessibles, compréhensibles, attrayants voire ludiques, elles se traduisent également en consommation de biens culturels (cinéma, télévision, musées, jeux, radio, livres…) s’appuyant sur l’histoire.

The University of Cologne’s second year of the Master’s degree program in history with focus on public history

In October 2015 (“Winter Semester 2015/16”), the University of Cologne started a new Master’s degree program in history with focus on public history. The new program takes account of the media’s growing interest in history and the society’s increasing interest in museums, memorial sites and other spaces of historical commemoration or education.

Call for Papers for 3rd Annual Conference, Bogotá, Colombia, July 7-8-9, 2016 extended to November 15

IFPH-FIPH 3rd Annual Conference, Bogotá, Colombia, July 7-8-9, 2016 Call for Papers for #IFPH2016 **Deadline for Proposals extended to November 15, 2015** Conference Website:   History is a...

IFPH Activities in Jinan, China, during the XXII International Congress of Historical Science

We can now share with you the final Programme of Activities for the XXII International Congress of Historical Sciences organized by the International Committee for Historical Sciences – Comité international des sciences...