Launched in 2009 as a NCPH Task Force for an International Public History, in 2010 the Task Force became an internal commission of the International Committee for Historical Sciences (or CISH, Comité International des Sciences Historiques) with the generous support of the National Council on Public History. Between 2011 and 2012 the task force transformed in the International Federation for Public History-Fédération Internationale pour l’Histoire Publique. (The IFPH-FIHP bylaws are in English and in French). The IFPH is an organisation mandated to create international linkages between public historians and promote the development of a world wide network of Public History practitioners. The federation’s purpose is to encourage, promote, and coordinate, at an international level, contacts, teaching and research in public history. The federation aims to:
- create an international network of public history programs, scholars, and practitioners
- facilitate the international exchange of information on teaching and research in and the practice of public history
- share recommended professional and academic best practices, including standards for evaluating public history scholarship
- foster participation of public historians and their organizations in international congresses and other meetings of scholars in the field
- encourage the formation of national committees of historians working in the field of public history
- Welcome to the International Federation for Public History
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