Public history is growing in all parts of the world. Created in 2011, the International Federation for Public History (IFPH) both reflects and supports these initiatives. We offer our members online resources, organize international conferences and workshops, have a dynamic online presence, and our members enjoy privileged access to our journal, International Public History. The IFPH is an important forum for discussion for all public history practitioners across the globe.
Recognizing that new associations and networks have appeared in various parts of the world and that others are being discussed, the IFPH believes that such initiatives can benefit from our support. We can offer our expertise, experience, and networks and we can promote events and publications through our social media platforms, newsletters, and on our website.
While the IFPH has no mechanism to formally recognize associations or networks, nor are we able to offer any financial assistance, we are committed to supporting this growing international public history movement and have therefore created a Special Advisory Committee on Associations and Networks which will regularly meet. Consisting of representatives of the various associations and networks who wish to participate, the Advisory Committee will include at least one member of the IFPH’s Steering Committee who will report back to it. This will enable the IFPH to be informed of the activities organized by the different associations and networks.
While the IFPH has no separate category of membership for associations or networks, nor can offer any reciprocal membership arrangements, we do encourage members of any regional, national, local, or thematic association or network to consider also becoming members of the IFPH. Contact: